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You searched for: nails
  • Quiz: Nails for Kids

    Take this quiz about your nails.

  • Your Nails for Kids

    You may not think about your nails, unless you just painted them blue or your mom says it's time to trim them. But your nails have a job to do. Find out more in this article.

  • How Do Nails Work? (Video) for Kids

    Watch the Nails Movie! Chloe & Nurb will take you to the nail root to find out where nails come from and what they're made of.

  • How the Body Works: Movies for Kids

    From your sniffing nose to your wiggling toes, these 18 movies explain how the body works!

  • How the Body Works (Topic Center) for Kids

    The human body is an amazing machine. Learn more about it through movies, quizzes, articles, and more.

  • What's a Lunula? for Kids

    Take a look at your thumb and you'll see this: it's the light half-moon shape at the very bottom of your nail.

  • What's Ringworm? for Kids

    Ringworm isn't a worm at all. It's an infection on the skin or nails caused by a fungus.

  • Ringworm for Kids

    Ringworm isn't a worm at all - it's the name for a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • How the Body Works Scavenger Hunt Answer Sheet for Kids

    Check here for answers when you're done with the How the Body Works Scavenger Hunt!

  • How the Body Works: Quizzes for Kids

    From your nose to your toes, do you know how the body works? Take these quizzes to find out!