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You searched for: joints-it
  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Teens

    Our bones, muscles, and joints form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Parents

    Without bones, muscles, and joints, we couldn't stand, walk, run, or even sit. The musculoskeletal system supports our bodies, protects our organs from injury, and enables movement.

  • Your Bones for Kids

    Where would you be without your bones? Learn more about the skeletal system in this article for kids.

  • Arthrogram for Parents

    An arthrogram is a test done to look inside a joint for injuries or other problems.

  • Lyme Disease for Teens

    Lyme disease can be treated if it's caught early. Find out what causes it, how it's treated, and how to prevent it.

  • Your Muscles for Kids

    You have more than 600 muscles in your body! They do everything from pumping blood throughout your body to helping you lifting your heavy backpack. Find out more.

  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip for Parents

    Babies can be born with this hip problem or develop it soon after birth. Early treatment can help the hip joint grow normally.

  • Dislocated Kneecap (Dislocated Patella) for Parents

    A dislocated kneecap is when the bone in the front of the knee (the kneecap or patella) slides out of place. A person with a dislocated kneecap needs care at the hospital right away.

  • Toxic Synovitis for Parents

    Read about this temporary inflammation of the hip joint that affects young children.

  • Kids and Exercise for Parents

    Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.