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You searched for: teeth-it
  • Your Teeth for Kids

    There's much more to a tooth than meets the eye. This article for kids gives you the inside story.

  • Mouth and Teeth for Parents

    Our mouth and teeth play an important role in our daily lives. Here's a course on the basics - including common problems of the mouth and teeth.

  • Mouth and Teeth for Teens

    Did you know that your mouth is the first step in the body's digestive process? Or that the mouth and teeth are essential for speech? Learn about the many roles your mouth and teeth play.

  • Going to the Orthodontist for Kids

    An orthodontist prevents and treats mouth, teeth, and jaw problems using braces, retainers, and other devices.

  • What Are Retainers? for Kids

    Retainers are really common. In fact, most kids have to wear a retainer for at least a little while after getting their braces taken off. Find out more.

  • Fluoride for Parents

    Keeping kids' teeth healthy requires more than just daily brushing. Learn about fluoride, a substance found naturally in water that plays an important role in healthy teeth.

  • How the Body Works for Kids

    The human body is an amazing machine. Learn more about it through movies, quizzes, articles, and more.

  • Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia) for Parents

    Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is when a band of tissue connects the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, which keeps it from moving freely.

  • Hemophilia for Parents

    Hemophilia is a rare bleeding disorder that prevents the blood from clotting properly. With modern treatment, most kids who have it can lead full, healthy lives.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Some Common Concerns for Parents

    Here are answers to some questions about common breastfeeding concerns - from biting to spitting up.