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You searched for: growth-disorders
  • Going to a Speech Therapist for Kids

    You might visit a speech therapist if you're having trouble speaking or understanding others. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder for Kids

    Autism spectrum disorder makes it hard for kids to learn and communicate. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) for Kids

    OCD causes kids to have stressful worry thoughts and worry habits. Therapy helps kids get over these stressful thoughts and habits. Kids who have worries and fears should let a parent know so they can help.

  • Learning Problems for Kids

    Having a learning disability doesn't mean you can't learn. The trick will be figuring out how you learn best.

  • What Is Anorexia Nervosa? for Kids

    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people very afraid of gaining weight.

  • ADHD for Kids

    ADHD is a medical condition that makes it harder for kids to stay focused. Kids with ADHD can also be more fidgety than other kids their age. This article for kids explains how doctors decide a kid has ADHD and what they can do about it.

  • Words to Know (Cancer Glossary) for Kids

    Check out our cancer glossary for lots of easy-to-read definitions.

  • Tourette Syndrome for Kids

    Tourette syndrome is a condition that causes tics -- movements or sounds that are repeated over and over. Learn more about Tourette syndrome in this article for kids.

  • What's Hearing Loss? for Kids

    Hearing loss happens when there is a problem with the ear, nerves connected to the ear, or the part of the brain that controls hearing. Someone who has hearing loss may be able to hear some sounds or nothing at all. To learn more, read this article for kids.

  • The Reality of Retainers for Kids

    Retainers are really common. In fact, most kids have to wear a retainer for at least a little while after getting their braces taken off. Find out more.


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