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You searched for: diet-pills
  • Sports Supplements for Teens

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. Lots of people who want to improve their performance have questions about how supplements work and whether they're safe.

  • The Deal With Diets for Teens

    With all the focus on dieting, how do you figure out what's healthy and what isn't? Read this article to get the basics on dieting.

  • Type 2 Diabetes: How Is It Treated? for Teens

    People with type 2 diabetes need to follow a plan to manage their diabetes and stay healthy and active.

  • Acanthosis Nigricans for Teens

    Acanthosis nigricans is a darkening and thickening of the skin that can be a sign of other medical conditions. Find out more.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) for Teens

    In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the ovaries produce higher than normal amounts of certain hormones, which can interfere with egg development and release. Learn how doctors diagnose and treat PCOS.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Diet and Nutrition for Teens

    Besides extra calories, teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Find out more.

  • Endometriosis for Teens

    Endometriosis is when tissue that looks and acts like the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. Here's how doctors help people who have it.

  • Female Athlete Triad for Teens

    Female athlete triad is a combination of three conditions: disordered eating, amenorrhea (loss of a girl's period), and osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones).

  • How Can I Lose Weight Safely? for Teens

    Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but aren't sure how to change it - or even if they need to. Get the facts on weight loss here.

  • Type 1 Diabetes: How Is It Treated? for Teens

    People with type 1 diabetes need to follow a treatment plan to manage their diabetes and stay healthy and active.

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