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You searched for: complications
  • A to Z: MSSA for Parents

    Learn about causes and complications of skin infections.

  • A to Z: MRSA for Parents

    Learn about causes and complications of skin infections.

  • A to Z: Hernia, Incisional for Parents

    Learn about hernias and potential complications of abdominal surgery.

  • A to Z: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) for Parents

    Learn about personality disorders and complications of mental illness.

  • A to Z: Pericarditis for Parents

    Learn about complications of infections and conditions that affect the heart.

  • A to Z: Keloids for Parents

    Learn about complications of wound healing and conditions that affect the skin.

  • A to Z: Obesity, Morbid for Parents

    Learn about causes and complications of obesity and morbid obesity.

  • Surgeries and Procedures: Gastrostomy Tube (G-Tube) for Parents

    Some kids have medical problems that prevent them from being able to take adequate nutrition by mouth. A gastrostomy tube (also called a G-tube) is a tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach. Read this article to find out more about the gastrostomy procedure.

  • A to Z: Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Parents

    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) can be a life-threatening complication of uncontrolled diabetes.

  • A to Z: Osteodystrophy for Parents

    Learn about complications of kidney and liver disease and conditions that affect bone development.