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You searched for: pet-infections
  • If I Have Asthma, Can I Keep My Pet? for Teens

    If you have asthma, you're more likely to be allergic to a pet than someone who doesn't have asthma. Find out what you can do.

  • Asthma-Safe Homes for Teens

    Here's steps to remove or minimize triggers at home that cause asthma flare-ups.

  • Allergies for Teens

    Your eyes itch, your nose is running, you're sneezing, and you're covered in hives. The enemy known as allergies has struck again.

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for Teens

    Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a disease caused by a bacteria that is carried by certain types of ticks. Learn about the signs and symptoms of RMSF and tips for preventing infection in this article.

  • How Can I Deal With My Asthma? for Teens

    Asthma is more common these days than it used to be. The good news is it's also a lot easier to manage and control.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Teens

    This site has information and advice on managing and living with asthma.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.

  • Salmonellosis for Teens

    People often think of salmonellosis as food poisoning, but food is only one way the bacteria Salmonella can be spread.

  • Asthma for Teens

    Asthma is a lung condition that makes it hard to breathe. Learn all about asthma here.

  • Fears and Phobias for Teens

    Fear is a normal human reaction that protects us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Get the facts about fears and phobias and what causes them.