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  • What's a Hydrocele? (Video) for Parents

    A hydrocele (HI-dro-seel) is a pouch of fluid around the testicle inside the scrotum. Hydroceles are common in newborns, especially in premature babies. Older boys and men can get them too.

  • Medical Care During Pregnancy for Parents

    The sooner in pregnancy good care begins, the better for the health of both moms and their babies. Here's what to expect.

  • Radioembolization (TARE-Y90) for Liver Tumors for Parents

    Radioembolization is a procedure used to treat some kinds of liver tumors. A radioactive material works on the tumor, not the healthy tissue around it.

  • Apnea of Prematurity for Parents

    Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is a condition in which premature infants stop breathing for more than 15 to 20 seconds during sleep. AOP usually goes away on its own as a baby matures.

  • Preventing Premature Birth (Topic Center) for Parents

    Babies who are born premature — before 37 weeks of pregnancy — can have health problems that last their whole lives. Learn ways to prevent early labor and have a healthy pregnancy.

  • What's a Cochlear Implant? (Video) for Parents

    A cochlear implant is a surgically placed device that helps a person with severe hearing loss hear sounds. Doctors consider cochlear implants for children under 12 months of age with profound hearing loss in both ears. Older children with serious hearing loss also may get cochlear implants.

  • What's Ear Tube Surgery (Myringotomy)? (Video) for Parents

    A doctor might suggest ear tube surgery if a child gets many ear infections that don't clear up easily or the ear infections seem to be causing hearing loss or speech delay. Ear tube surgery can drain fluid from the middle ear, prevent future infections, and help the child hear properly again.

  • What's Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)? (Video) for Parents

    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a problem that happens when the left side of a baby’s heart doesn't form as it should. It’s smaller than normal and can’t pump enough blood to the body. After the baby is born, doctors can treat the problem with medicines and several surgeries.

  • What's an Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)? (Video) for Parents

    An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a heart defect in which there is an abnormal opening in the dividing wall between the upper filling chambers of the heart.

  • What's a Tear Duct Probe (Treating Tear-Duct Blockage)? (Video) for Parents

    Blocked tear ducts are a fairly common problem in infants. A common procedure called a tear duct probe can open the blockage.