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You searched for: role-models
  • Fitness and Your 13- to 18-Year-Old for Parents

    Kids who enjoy exercise tend to stay active throughout their lives. Learn how to encourage fitness in your teen.

  • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for Parents

    Some kids may be eligible for individualized education programs in public schools, free of charge. Understanding how to access these services can help you be an effective advocate for your child.

  • Bulimia for Parents

    People with the eating disorder bulimia often eat large amounts of food over short periods of time (binge eat). Then, they try to prevent weight gain by doing things like exercising too much or throwing up what they ate.

  • Anorexia for Parents

    People with the eating disorder anorexia are very afraid of gaining weight. They have unrealistic views of their body and try to eat as little as possible. They also might exercise too much or do other things to lose weight.

  • Sibling Rivalry for Parents

    As upsetting as it can be for a parent, conflict between siblings is very common. Here's how to help your kids get along.

  • Overweight and Obesity for Parents

    Preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together.

  • Snacks for School-Age Kids for Parents

    Healthy snacks can help parents manage school-age kids' hunger and boost nutrition.

  • Stuttering Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about stuttering, and how to help students who stutter.

  • Halloween Candy Hints for Parents

    For health-conscious parents, Halloween can be tricky. Do you set limits? Do you let kids decide how much to eat? There isn't just one right answer.

  • 3 Ways to Help When Kids Feel Lonely for Parents

    When kids feel lonely, you can help them feel better by building social connection. Here's how.