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You searched for: dam-hear
  • Eardrum Injuries for Teens

    Perforated eardrums can really hurt. And if you can't hear as well as usual, they can be scary. The good news is, most people who have them get all their hearing back eventually.

  • Pregnancy Slideshow (Baby) for Parents

    This week‑by‑week pregnancy calendar shows you some of the important developments taking place as your baby grows.

  • Week 18 for Parents

    Your baby's bones had been developing but were still soft. This week, they begin to harden, or ossify.

  • What's Ear Tube Surgery (Myringotomy)? (Video) for Parents

    A doctor might suggest ear tube surgery if a child gets many ear infections that don't clear up easily or the ear infections seem to be causing hearing loss or speech delay. Ear tube surgery can drain fluid from the middle ear, prevent future infections, and help the child hear properly again.

  • Pregnancy Slideshow (Mom & Baby) for Parents

    Here's a peek at what's going on inside your body during the amazing 40 weeks of pregnancy. Watch your belly — and your baby — grow!

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Getting Your Baby to Latch for Parents

    Here are answers to some common questions about getting a good latch, making sure your baby is drinking, taking your baby off the breast, and more.

  • Eardrum Injuries for Parents

    A "popped" eardrum is more than just painful - it can sometimes lead to hearing loss. Learn about ruptured eardrums and how to prevent them.

  • How to Handle an Earache for Parents

    Here's what to do if your child complains of ear pain.

  • Senses Experiment: Model Eardrum for Kids

    How does the eardrum work? Find out by trying this experiment.

  • How Do the Ears Work? (Video) for Parents

    The ears gather sounds from our environment and turn them into messages for the brain to decode. Learn more in this video about the ears.