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You searched for: dam-hear
  • All About Your Senses: Experiments to Try for Kids

    Need a science project, or just looking for something fun to do? These experiments reveal the way your body works. Check with a grown-up first because some will require help from an adult.

  • Senses Experiment: Do You Hear What I Hear? for Kids

    Test your hearing with this experiment.

  • How Do the Ears Work? (Video) for Kids

    Nurb and Chloe explain what goes on inside your ears so you can hear. Watch the How the Body Works movie!

  • Brain and Nervous System for Teens

    If the brain is a central computer that controls all the functions of the body, then the nervous system is like a network that relays messages back and forth to different parts of the body. Find out how they work in this Body Basics article.

  • Central Nervous System: The Brain and Spinal Cord for Parents

    The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Find out how they work together to control everything we do.

  • Ear Tube Surgery for Parents

    Many kids get middle ear infections (otitis media). Doctors may suggest ear tube surgery for those with multiple infections or a hearing loss or speech delay.

  • How Can I Prevent Hearing Loss? for Teens

    Hearing loss (also called hearing impairment) makes it hard to hear or understand sounds. But you can do something about noise-induced hearing loss.

  • Tympanoplasty for Parents

    Tympanoplasty is a surgery to repair a hole in the eardrum that doesn’t close on its own. It can improve hearing and prevent water from getting into the middle ear.

  • Quiz: Ears for Kids

    Take this quiz about your ears.

  • Aural Atresia for Parents

    Aural atresia is a condition that happens before birth in which a baby’s ear canal doesn’t form. It causes hearing loss, but treatments can help most children hear better.