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You searched for: complications
  • A to Z: Obesity, Morbid for Parents

    Learn about causes and complications of obesity and morbid obesity.

  • A to Z: Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Parents

    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) can be a life-threatening complication of uncontrolled diabetes.

  • A to Z: Postoperative Pain for Parents

    Postoperative pain is pain or discomfort after surgery.

  • A to Z: Osteodystrophy for Parents

    Learn about complications of kidney and liver disease and conditions that affect bone development.

  • A to Z Symptom: Sore Throat for Parents

    A sore throat can be caused by many things, from viral and bacterial infections to seasonal allergies and gastroesophageal reflux.

  • Hemangiomas: Suzanne's Story for Parents

    When Anna was born, she developed red spots that her parents learned were hemangiomas, benign birthmarks that she eventually outgrew. Her mother tells her story.

  • Shingles for Parents

    Shingles isn't very common in kids - it mostly affects older people. Find out what causes shingles, symptoms to watch for, and what to do if your child has it.

  • A to Z: Cyst, Ovarian for Parents

    Learn about complications of ovulation and conditions that affect the female reproductive system.

  • Intestinal Malrotation for Parents

    Malrotation is a type of obstruction caused by abnormal development of the intestines while a fetus is in the womb. Find out more about this condition and the complications it can cause.

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for Teens

    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disease for doctors to diagnose — and even fully understand. Find out more about this often misunderstood condition.