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You searched for: nurses
  • Choosing a Pediatrician for Your New Baby for Parents

    Along with considering baby names and buying a crib, choosing the right health care provider should be on your to-do list when you're expecting.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Solids and Supplementing for Parents

    Here are answers to some common supplemental feeding questions - from when to introduce solids to offering breastfed babies formula.

  • Going to the Doctor for Kids

    When you go to the doctor for a checkup, it's because your parents and your doctor want to see that you're growing just the way you should. Read all about what happens at the doctor's office.

  • Health Care Providers: Orthopedists for Parents

    An orthopedist, or orthopedic surgeon, studies, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect muscles, joints, and bones, such as infections, sports injuries, broken bones, and joint problems.

  • Getting the Most From a Doctor's Visit for Parents

    Here are tips on the best ways to communicate with your child's doctor and get the most information during a visit.

  • Health Care Providers: Behavioral Health Specialists for Parents

    Behavioral health is medical care that helps manage emotions and behaviors. The main health care providers who work in behavioral health are psychologists and psychiatrists.

  • Health Care Providers: Anesthesiologists for Parents

    An anesthesiologist is a doctor who oversees the medicine given to patients to prevent pain during medical procedures.

  • When Your Baby's in the NICU for Parents

    Learn what a NICU visit will be like for your little one, what you can do to help, and how to find support for yourself.

  • Pap Smears for Teens

    A Pap smear is a medical test that helps doctors figure out if there are any problems with a girl's cervix. Find out what happens during a Pap smear.

  • Respiratory Distress Syndrome for Parents

    Sometimes when babies are born premature, they have trouble breathing. This can be caused by respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Learn what RDS is, and how babies can be helped.