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You searched for: getting-muscles
  • A to Z: Myositis for Parents

    Learn about causes of muscle weakness and conditions that affect muscles and muscle tissue.

  • What's Myalgia? for Kids

    Myalgia is muscle pain — when muscles hurt because of an injury, overuse, or a medical condition.

  • What Are Involuntary Muscles? for Kids

    You don't have any say over what this kind of muscle does and when.

  • Hernias for Teens

    A hernia is an opening or weakness in the wall of a muscle, tissue, or membrane that normally holds an organ in place. Learning to prevent hernias isn't hard to do - check out these tips.

  • Polio for Parents

    Polio is a contagious disease that can be prevented with vaccination.

  • Torticollis in Infants for Parents

    Babies with this condition have trouble turning their heads, due to muscle tightness. Simple stretching exercises and physical therapy can help babies get better.

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) for Parents

    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a condition that causes muscle weakness and atrophy. There's no cure, but therapy and other treatments can help most people who have SMA.

  • Tetanus for Parents

    Tetanus (also called lockjaw) is a preventable disease that affects the muscles and nerves, usually due to a contaminated wound.

  • Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy for Parents

    Dyskinetic CP, or athetoid CP, is a type of CP. Kids with dyskinetic CP have trouble controlling muscle movement.

  • Torticollis for Parents

    Torticollis is a common condition that causes a stiff neck or neck pain that makes it hard for kids to turn their heads.