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Buscó lo siguiente: ice-cream-headache-esp
  • What Does Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia Mean? for Kids

    This is another name for an ice cream headache.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.

  • Headaches for Teens

    Almost everyone gets headaches. So how do you know if a headache is just a passing pain or something more?

  • Headaches for Parents

    Headaches affect kids as well as adults. Learn about common causes and when to talk to a doctor.

  • Caffeine for Parents

    Caffeine is in many foods and drinks, but it's wise to keep caffeine consumption to a minimum, especially in younger kids. Here's why.

  • Migraine Headaches for Teens

    If you've ever had a migraine, you know that these headaches can cause severe pain and other symptoms. Read about migraine causes, treatments, prevention tips, and lots more.

  • Migraine Headaches for Parents

    Migraine headaches can cause severe pain and other symptoms. Read about migraine causes, treatments, prevention tips, and lots more.

  • Jellyfish for Kids

    Jellyfish can sting swimmers - ouch! Find out more about these quietly creepy sea creatures.

  • Strep Throat for Kids

    Strep throat gives you a sore throat and makes it hard to swallow. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • When Being Overweight Is a Health Problem for Teens

    A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people. But when people are severely overweight, it can cause health problems.