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You searched for: v-wrap
  • Club Wrap for Teens

    This recipe is especially for teens with diabetes, but it can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet.

  • Bruises for Teens

    Learn about bruises, why they happen, how to make them go away faster, and why they turn all those funny colors.

  • Strains and Sprains for Teens

    Sprains and strains are common injuries, especially for people who play hard or are into sports. Find out what they are and how to recuperate from one.

  • About Recipes for Teens With Diabetes for Teens

    A diabetes educator and dietitian chose these recipes, but they're not just for people with diabetes. Almost anyone looking for nutritious meals and snacks can enjoy them.

  • First Aid: Broken Bones for Teens

    A broken bone requires emergency medical care. Here's what to do.

  • Casts for Teens

    This article has tips on taking care of a cast so it keeps working as it should.

  • Ankle Sprains for Teens

    A sprained ankle is a very common injury that happens when the ligaments that support the ankle get overly stretched or torn. Find out how to avoid ankle sprains and what to do if you get one.

  • Hamstring Strain for Teens

    A hamstring strain happens when one or more of the muscles in the back of the leg gets stretched too far and starts to tear. Find out how to treat hamstring strains in this article for teens.

  • Groin Strain for Teens

    A groin strain is when one or more of the muscles in the inner thigh gets stretched, injured, or torn. Find out what to do for groin strains.

  • Genes and Genetics for Teens

    Genes play an important role in how we look and act, and even in whether we get sick. This article gives the lowdown on genes, genetic disorders, and new research into gene therapy.