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You searched for: contracts
  • Premature Ventricular Contractions for Parents

    A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is an early heartbeat that happens between normal heartbeats. PVCs usually are harmless.

  • Prenatal Test: Contraction Stress Test for Parents

    A contraction stress test measures the fetal heart rate to ensure that a baby can handle contractions during labor.

  • Your Muscles for Kids

    You have more than 600 muscles in your body! They do everything from pumping blood throughout your body to helping you lifting your heavy backpack. Find out more.

  • Inducing Labor for Parents

    Find out why doctors may induce labor if you're past your due date, how it may be done, and how it may affect you and your baby.

  • Prenatal Tests: Third Trimester for Parents

    Find out what tests may be offered to you during weeks 27 through 40 of pregnancy.

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Parents

    Without bones, muscles, and joints, we couldn't stand, walk, run, or even sit. The musculoskeletal system supports our bodies, protects our organs from injury, and enables movement.

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Teens

    Our bones, muscles, and joints form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.

  • Dealing With Pain During Childbirth for Parents

    Learning all you can about childbirth pain is one of the best ways to help you deal with it when the time comes.

  • Are You in Labor? for Parents

    Here's how to tell the difference between true labor and false labor -- and when to get medical care.

  • Week 39 for Parents

    Braxton Hicks contractions (also called "false labor") may become more pronounced, and your water may break.