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You searched for: stop-smoking-guide
  • A Guide for First-Time Parents for Parents

    If you're a new parent, get the basics in this guide about burping, bathing, bonding, and other baby-care concerns.

  • Cleft Lip for Parents

    A cleft lip is when a baby's lip doesn't form properly during pregnancy. Most kids can have surgery to repair one early in life.

  • Cleft Palate for Parents

    A cleft palate is when a baby is born with a cleft (gap) in the roof of the mouth. Most kids can have surgery to repair them early in life.

  • Cleft Palate With Cleft Lip for Parents

    A cleft palate with a cleft lip is when a baby's lip and palate (roof of mouth) don't form properly during pregnancy. Most kids with cleft lip and palate are treated successfully with no lasting problems.

  • Healthy Eating for Parents

    Good nutrition and a balanced diet help kids grow up healthy. Here's how to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits.

  • What Is Plagiarism? for Kids

    Plagiarism is a form of cheating because it's stealing another person's ideas. But there's a right way to use Internet sources and other references when you're doing homework or a report. Find out more.

  • Week 26 for Parents

    Your baby now weighs a little less than 2 pounds and will gain weight steadily until birth.

  • Staying Healthy for Kids

    Find out how to take care of your body, eat healthy, and stay fit!

  • Being Good to My Body for Kids

    Find out how to take care of your body. Learn about sleep, healthy food, exercise, and more.

  • Pregnancy & Baby for Parents

    Take care of yourself and your growing family by getting the advice that all new parents and parents-to-be need. Read about babyproofing your home, staying healthy during pregnancy, coping with colic, what to expect when your little one arrives, and much more.