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You searched for: sports-dizzy
  • A to Z: Migraine, Without Aura for Parents

    A migraine without aura is a migraine headache that happens without previous warning signs (auras).

  • Health Care Providers: Otolaryngologists for Parents

    An otolaryngologist, often called an ENT, is a doctor who studies, diagnoses, prevents, and treats diseases and conditions of the ear, nose, and throat.

  • G6PD Deficiency for Parents

    G6PD deficiency an inherited condition in which someone doesn't have enough of the enzyme G6PD, which protects red blood cells.

  • A to Z: Orthostatic Hypotension for Parents

    Learn about orthostatic hypotension, an abnormal drop in blood pressure that occurs when someone moves from sitting or lying down to standing up.

  • First Aid: Allergic Reactions for Parents

    Most allergic reactions aren't serious, but severe reactions can be life-threatening and need medical care right away.

  • Is It Normal to Feel Sick During a Blood Draw? for Teens

    During a blood draw, some people might have a vasovagal reaction. Learn more.

  • Can Video Games Give People Motion Sickness? for Teens

    Lots of people feel motion sickness while playing video games. Here's why.

  • Ears for Teens

    Hearing is their main job, but it's not all your ears do. Find out all about them in this body basics article for teens.

  • A to Z: Tachycardia for Parents

    Learn more about types of arrhythmias and problems of the heart.

  • Going Back to School After a Concussion for Teens

    A concussion can affect you at school because it's a type of brain injury. Doing schoolwork and being in a classroom can sometimes make things worse. Here's what to know.