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You searched for: intent-grief
  • Going to a Therapist for Teens

    Getting help with emotions is the same as getting help with a medical problem like asthma or diabetes. Here's how therapy works and how it helps.

  • What to Do When You Feel Sad for Kids

    Everyone is sad once in a while. But depression is a sadness that goes on too long and hurts too much. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Why Do People Get Depressed? for Teens

    There's no one reason why people get depressed - many different things can play a role. Find out more about the things that can trigger depression.

  • Coping With Sad Feelings for Kids

    Everyone feels sad sometimes. This slideshow has tips on what to do to help sad feelings ease away.

  • Diabetes: Dealing With Feelings for Parents

    If your child has diabetes, you may spend a lot of time thinking about the physical effects. But it's also important to understand the emotional issues surrounding a diabetes diagnosis.

  • Helping Teens Who Self-Harm for Parents

    Cutting and other forms of self-injury among teens have become more common in recent years. Learn how to help a teen who self-harms.

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) for Parents

    SIDS is the leading cause of death among infants 1 month to 1 year old. Though SIDS remains unpredictable, you can help reduce your infant's risk.

  • Taking Your Child to a Therapist for Parents

    Many children and teens have problems that affect how they feel, act, or learn. Going to therapy helps them cope better, feel better, and do better.

  • Childhood Depression: What Parents Need to Know for Parents

    When a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer and there are other changes in a child’s behavior, it might be depression. Learn the signs of depression and what parents can do to help their child.

  • Palliative Care for Parents

    Palliative care provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to sick children and their families.