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You searched for: heart-video
  • How Does the Heart & Circulatory System Work? (Video) for Kids

    Watch this movie about your heart and circulatory system, which sends blood throughout your body.

  • What's Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)? (Video) for Parents

    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a problem that happens when the left side of a baby’s heart doesn't form as it should. It’s smaller than normal and can’t pump enough blood to the body. After the baby is born, doctors can treat the problem with medicines and several surgeries.

  • Words to Know (Heart Glossary) for Parents

    A guide to medical terms about the heart and circulatory system. In an easy A-Z format, find definitions on heart defects, heart conditions, treatments, and more.

  • Words to Know (Heart Glossary) for Kids

    Your heart beats and sends blood all around your body. Find out more about the heart, from A to Z, in this glossary.

  • Congestive Heart Failure for Parents

    Heart failure is when the heart can’t pump blood the way it should. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is when blood backs up in the heart.

  • Congenital Heart Defects for Parents

    Heart defects happen when there's a problem with a baby's heart development during pregnancy. Most heart defects can be treated during infancy.

  • Heart Murmurs for Parents

    Heart murmurs are very common, and most are no cause for concern and won't affect a child's health.

  • Heart Transplant for Parents

    If your child needs a heart transplant, you're probably feeling lots of emotions. Fortunately, many kids who undergo heart transplants go on to live normal, healthy lives.

  • Heart and Circulatory System for Parents

    The heart and circulatory system are our body's lifeline, delivering blood to the body's tissues..

  • Heart Murmurs for Kids

    Everyone's heart makes sounds, but some people have hearts that make more noise than others. Usually, however, these heart murmurs don't mean anything is wrong. Find out more about these mysterious murmurs.