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You searched for: friend-eating-disorder
  • Diabetes: Dealing With Feelings for Parents

    If your child has diabetes, you may spend a lot of time thinking about the physical effects. But it's also important to understand the emotional issues surrounding a diabetes diagnosis.

  • Compulsive Exercise for Parents

    Even though exercise has many positive benefits, too much can be harmful. Teens who exercise compulsively are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.

  • Delayed Puberty for Parents

    Puberty usually begins in girls 8-14, and in boys 9-15. If kids pass this normal age range without showing any signs of body changes, it's called delayed puberty.

  • Dealing With Addiction for Teens

    Find out what you can do if you think you or a friend has a drug or alcohol addiction - from recognizing the warning signs to suggestions to help you stay clean.

  • Food Allergies (Topic Center) for Parents

    Food allergies can be serious, so it's very important to quickly identify and treat reactions. Learn about food allergies here so you know what to do when a child has a food allergy.

  • Food Allergies: How to Cope for Teens

    With food allergies, preventing a reaction means avoiding that food entirely. But sometimes allergens can be hidden in places you don't expect. Here are tips on living with a food allergy.

  • Healthy Eating Away From Home for Teens

    We all know the importance of eating well. But how are you supposed to do so when your schedule is so demanding you're never at home? Find out how to make healthy food choices on the go.

  • Body Image and Self-Esteem for Teens

    When your body changes, so can your image of yourself. Find out how your body image affects your self-esteem and what you can do.

  • Stress Less: Eat, Play, Sleep for Kids

    Eat healthy foods. Be active every day. Get the right amount of sleep. These daily habits are good for your mental health. Find out how to make them work for you in this article for kids.

  • Should I Gain Weight? for Kids

    Some kids think they're too thin and want to gain weight. Find out more in this article for kids.