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You searched for: dine-call
  • Milk Allergy for Teens

    Milk is in all kinds of foods, even things like baked goods. So what should a person who's allergic to milk do?

  • Helping Your Gradeschooler With Homework for Parents

    During grade school, kids start getting homework to reinforce and extend classroom learning and teach them important study skills. Here's how parents can help.

  • Food Allergies and Travel for Teens

    Taking precautions and carrying meds are just part of normal life for someone who has a food allergy. Here are some tips on how to make travel also feel perfectly routine.

  • 5 Ways to Make Holiday Travel Easier for Parents

    Holiday traveling with kids can be a lot to handle. Here are 5 ways to make it easier and safer.

  • Preventing Burns and Fires for Parents

    Burns, especially scalds from hot water and liquids, are some of the most common childhood accidents. Here's how to protect kids from burns.

  • Living With Diabetes for Parents

    Advice for home life, school, play, and dining out.

  • Diabetes & Nutrition for Kids

    Just like the rest of us, a person with diabetes needs to eat healthy. That means a balance of nutritious foods. Get tips for meal planning, dining out, and more.

  • Going to College for Teens

    This section covers some of the health basics of going to college, from getting the right shots to avoiding the Freshman 15.