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You searched for: diet-pills
  • Bulimia for Parents

    People with the eating disorder bulimia often eat large amounts of food over short periods of time (binge eat). Then, they try to prevent weight gain by doing things like exercising too much or throwing up what they ate.

  • Fiber for Parents

    Many appetizing foods are also good sources of fiber - from fruits to whole-grain cereals. Here are ways to help kids get more fiber in their everyday diets.

  • Iron-Deficiency Anemia for Parents

    Iron helps the body carry oxygen in the blood and plays a key role in brain and muscle function. Too little iron can lead to iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Melatonin Supplements for Parents

    If your child has trouble sleeping, you may wonder if melatonin can help. Here's why you should probably avoid it.

  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Parents

    Complementary and alternative medicine are types of medicine and healing that differ from conventional medicine. They include things like mind–body therapies, nutritional therapies, body-based therapies, and whole medicine systems.

  • How Can I Lose Weight Safely? for Teens

    Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but aren't sure how to change it - or even if they need to. Get the facts on weight loss here.

  • Female Athlete Triad for Teens

    Female athlete triad is a combination of three conditions: disordered eating, amenorrhea (loss of a girl's period), and osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones).

  • Fiber for Teens

    Some of the best and most delicious foods have loads of fiber. Find out how to get your fill of fiber!

  • Chronic Kidney Disease for Parents

    When kidney disease becomes chronic, it means the kidneys are damaged and can't properly do their many important jobs. Find out what that means and how it's treated.

  • PMS, Cramps, and Irregular Periods for Parents

    Most period problems are common and normal. But some might be a sign that there's something else going on.