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Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Nicklaus Children's Hospital
3100 S.W. 62nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33155
(305) 666-6511 or toll-free 1-800-432-6837
Physician referral: 1-888-MCH-DOCS
Email: info@nicklaushealth.org

Health Care Providers: Adolescent Medicine Specialists

What Is Adolescent Medicine?

Adolescent (ad-OH-leh-sent) medicine focuses on health concerns related to puberty and adolescence.

What Is an Adolescent Medicine Specialist?

An adolescent medicine specialist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats physical and emotional health concerns of kids and teens.

Why Would Someone Need One?

Adolescent medicine specialists provide routine medical care. They also can help kids and teens with issues such as: 

Adolescent medicine specialists do medical tests and provide:

  • sexual health education
  • birth control counseling and care
  • IUDs for medical reasons other than birth control (such as heavy bleeding or cramps)
  • vaccines, including the HPV vaccine
  • pregnancy testing
  • STD screening

What Is Their Training?

Adolescent medicine specialist training usually includes:

  • 4 years of pre-medical education at a college or university
  • 4 years of medical school — a medical degree (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree
  • 3–4 years of training in a pediatric, internal medicine, or med-peds (combined pediatric and internal medicine) residency program

They get special training on caring for adolescents during residency. They may also do a 2- to 3-year adolescent medicine fellowship after completing medical school and residency.

Good to Know

Adolescent medicine specialists also can act as a transition health care provider as teens move from a pediatrician to an adult doctor.

Medically reviewed by: KidsHealth Medical Experts
Date reviewed: September 2022