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You searched for: war
  • Getting Along With Your Teachers for Teens

    Teachers can look out for you, guide you, and provide you with an adult perspective. Many are willing to answer questions, offer advice, and help with personal problems.

  • Drowning Prevention for Parents

    Drowning is a leading cause of death in children and teens. It happens fast and is usually silent. Here's how parents can help prevent drowning.

  • Outdoor Water Safety for Parents

    Swimming in an open body of water (like a river, lake, or ocean) is different from swimming in a pool. Here are some tips based on the type of water.

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for Teens

    Sometimes after experiencing a traumatic event, a person has a strong and lingering reaction known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Getting treatment and support can make all the difference.