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You searched for: school-nurs-server
  • Health Care Providers: Neurosurgeons for Parents

    A neurosurgeon is a doctor who does procedures to treat and cure diseases and conditions that affect the brain and nervous system.

  • Health Care Providers: Neurologists for Parents

    A neurologist is a doctor who studies, diagnoses, and treats diseases and conditions that affect the brain.

  • What Is Anorexia Nervosa? for Kids

    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people very afraid of gaining weight.

  • What's a Neurologist? for Kids

    A neurologist is a doctor who studies the nervous system.

  • Phenylketonuria (PKU) for Parents

    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a metabolic disorder caused by a defect in the enzyme that breaks down an amino acid. PKU is treatable when it is found early.

  • A to Z: Phenylketonuria for Parents

    In this genetic disorder, the body cannot break down the amino acid phenylalanine, which then builds up in the system and affects the brain. Learn more.

  • A to Z: Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) for Parents

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumors, or PNETs, are tumors that can happen anywhere in the brain or spine.

  • What's Hearing Loss? for Kids

    Hearing loss happens when there is a problem with the ear, nerves connected to the ear, or the part of the brain that controls hearing. Someone who has hearing loss may be able to hear some sounds or nothing at all. To learn more, read this article for kids.

  • Why Do People Get Depressed? for Teens

    There's no one reason why people get depressed - many different things can play a role. Find out more about the things that can trigger depression.

  • Neurofibromatosis Type 1 for Parents

    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a genetic condition that causes benign tumors in and under the skin, often with bone, hormone, and other problems. Learn more about how it's diagnosed and treated.