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You searched for: small-pets
  • Hey! A Flea Bit Me! for Kids

    A flea is a small (no bigger than the head of a pin) brown bug with a hard shell. Learn more about fleas and how they affect you in this fun article just for kids.

  • Ringworm for Parents

    Ringworm is a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • Leaving Your Child Home Alone for Parents

    It's natural for parents to be a bit anxious when first leaving kids without supervision. But you can feel prepared and confident with some planning and a couple of trial runs.

  • Rabies for Parents

    Rabies is a serious infection of the nervous system that is caused by a virus. Rabies is usually transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.

  • Ringworm for Teens

    Ringworm isn't a worm at all - it's the name for a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • How to Live a Happy Life for Teens

    Research shows that just 10% of happiness depends on a person's situation. We actually have more control over happiness than we might think. Find out how.

  • First Aid: Head Lice for Parents

    Lice commonly spread from kid to kid. They're not dangerous - but they are creepy and annoying. Here's what to do about them.

  • Babesiosis for Parents

    Babesiosis is a rare illness that happens when tiny parasites infect red blood cells, usually after a bite from an infected tick.

  • Storm Stress: Helping Kids Stay Calm for Parents

    Weather events like severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes can be a lot for kids to handle. Here's how to help children feel less stressed.

  • Lyme Disease for Parents

    Lyme disease can affect the skin, joints, nervous system, and other organ systems. If Lyme disease is diagnosed quickly and treated with antibiotics, most people feel better quickly.