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You searched for: 00second-ec4op
  • Cardiac Catheterization for Parents

    Cardiac catheterization helps doctors perform diagnostic tests on the heart and even treat some heart conditions.

  • What Is Type 1 Diabetes? for Parents

    In type 1 diabetes, the body can’t use glucose for energy, making blood sugar levels get too high. People with diabetes need insulin shots or an insulin pump.

  • The Keys to Defensive Driving for Teens

    These defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other people's bad driving.

  • Medical Care and Your 4- to 5-Year-Old for Parents

    Regular well-child exams are an important part of keeping kids healthy and up to date on immunizations against serious diseases. Find out what to expect at the doctor's office.

  • Cochlear Implants for Parents

    Cochlear implants can help many kids with severe hearing loss. Find out how they work and who can get them.

  • Treating Type 1 Diabetes for Parents

    For kids diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it's important to create a diabetes management plan to help them manage the condition and stay healthy and active.

  • Nursing Positions for Parents

    If you're a new mom, breastfeeding your baby can feel like a challenge. Check out this article for information on common nursing positions, proper latching-on techniques, and how to know if your baby is getting enough to eat.

  • Concussions: Alex's Story for Teens

    Alex plays high school football, track, basketball, and lacrosse. He's had two concussions. Here, he talks about his experience and what he learned.

  • Growth and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old for Parents

    You're in for a year of changes! Midway through this year, most babies are walking and starting to lose that "baby" look.

  • Can I Have a Vaginal Birth If I Had a Previous C-Section? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.