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You searched for: stiff-lip-chin-up
  • Safety Tips: Hockey for Teens

    As fun as it is, ice hockey carries a very real risk of injury. To find out how to stay as safe as possible, follow these tips.

  • Plastic Surgery for Teens

    Lots of images may come to mind when you think of plastic surgery. This special type of surgery involves a person's appearance and ability to function.

  • Getting to Know Your Newborn for Parents

    When you first meet your newborn, you may be surprised by what you see. Here's what to expect.

  • A to Z: Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II for Parents

    Mucopolysaccharidosis type II, or Hunter syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder that affects mostly males.

  • Nursing Positions for Parents

    If you're a new mom, breastfeeding your baby can feel like a challenge. Check out this article for information on common nursing positions, proper latching-on techniques, and how to know if your baby is getting enough to eat.

  • Vomiting for Parents

    Most vomiting is caused by gastroenteritis, and usually isn't serious. These home-care tips can help prevent dehydration.

  • Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin for Teens

    Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage, especially when you find a huge zit on your nose or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth. Here are ways to prevent and treat common skin problems.

  • Jellyfish Stings for Parents

    Ocean dips are a cool part of summer, but jellyfish can spoil the fun. Here's how to handle a sting from by one of these mysterious sea creatures.

  • Safety Tips: Skiing for Parents

    Skiing is fun but also has some very real dangers. Make sure your kids follow these safety tips to learn how to stay safe on the slopes.

  • Safety Tips: Snowboarding for Teens

    Snowboarding is a great way to have fun, but it can also present some very real dangers. Follow these safety tips to learn how to stay safe on the slopes.