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You searched for: needs-girl
  • Growth and Your 6- to 12-Year-Old for Parents

    As kids grow from grade-schoolers to preteens, there continues to be a wide range of "normal" as far as height, weight, and shape.

  • Your Child's Changing Voice for Parents

    Along with obvious changes in physical appearance that come with puberty, your child’s voice will start sounding a whole lot different too.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Teens

    This site has information and advice on managing and living with asthma.

  • A to Z: Bacterial Vaginosis for Parents

    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection in the vagina.

  • Diabetes Center for Kids

    Diabetes means a problem with insulin, an important hormone in the body. Find out how children with diabetes can stay healthy and do the normal stuff kids like to do.

  • Should I Gain Weight? for Teens

    Some teens think that they're too skinny, and wonder if they should do something about it. It’s normal to gain weight during the teen years, but trying to put on extra pounds may not be the way to go.

  • Asthma (Topic Center) for Parents

    Asthma keeps more kids home from school than any other chronic illness. Learn how to help your child manage the condition, stay healthy, and stay in school.

  • Diabetes (Topic Center) for Parents

    Does your child have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Learn how to manage the disease and keep your child healthy.

  • When Will I Get My Period? for Kids

    It's normal to be a little worried or anxious about getting your period. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Being a Vegetarian for Teens

    People choose vegetarianism for a variety of reasons. This article describes different types of vegetarianism and provides advice on ways for vegetarians to get all the nutrients they need.