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You searched for: lift-give
  • Cesarean Sections (C-Sections) for Parents

    Many babies are delivered via cesarean sections. Learn why and how C-sections are done.

  • Abuse: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Abuse means treating another person with violence, cruelty, harm, or force. It's never OK, and it's not the fault of the person who is being abused. Tell an adult you trust or call a helpline.

  • Nursemaid's Elbow for Parents

    Young kids are at risk for a common injury known as nursemaid's elbow, which is easy for a doctor to fix. To help prevent it, never swing or lift a child by the lower arm, hands, or wrists.

  • Inguinal Hernias for Parents

    An inguinal hernia happens when part of the intestines pushes through an opening in the lower part of the abdomen. Doctors fix these hernias with surgery.

  • Tummy Time for Parents

    Tummy time helps babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles and prepare them for crawling. Here's how to do it.

  • Yoga: Meditation and Breathing for Teens

    Breathing and meditation techniques can have subtle but powerful effects on everything from stress to sports performance. Try these four techniques.

  • Sports and Exercise Safety for Teens

    Playing hard doesn't have to mean getting hurt. The best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe from the start. Find out how.

  • Recovering From Delivery for Parents

    After giving birth, you'll notice you've changed somewhat - both physically and emotionally. Here's what to expect after labor and delivery.

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Parents

    Without bones, muscles, and joints, we couldn't stand, walk, run, or even sit. The musculoskeletal system supports our bodies, protects our organs from injury, and enables movement.

  • Bones, Muscles, and Joints for Teens

    Our bones, muscles, and joints form our musculoskeletal system and enable us to do everyday physical activities.