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You searched for: know-drugs-depressants
  • Obesity Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about obesity.

  • Diabetes: Dealing With Feelings for Parents

    If your child has diabetes, you may spend a lot of time thinking about the physical effects. But it's also important to understand the emotional issues surrounding a diabetes diagnosis.

  • Insomnia in Teens: What Parents Should Know for Parents

    Teens with insomnia have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Here’s how parents can help.

  • Anorexia Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about anorexia, and how to help students with the eating disorder.

  • Recovering From Delivery for Parents

    After giving birth, you'll notice you've changed somewhat - both physically and emotionally. Here's what to expect after labor and delivery.

  • Vitiligo for Teens

    Vitiligo is a loss of skin pigment that causes white spots or patches to appear on the skin. It's not medically dangerous, but it can affect a person's appearance. Find out more.

  • Running Away for Kids

    Have you ever thought of running away? It can be a dangerous decision. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Helping Teens Who Self-Harm for Parents

    Cutting and other forms of self-injury among teens have become more common in recent years. Learn how to help a teen who self-harms.

  • Gun Safety for Parents

    Guns are in many homes, so they're a very real danger to kids, whether you own one or not. Learn how to talk with your kids about gun safety.

  • Well-Child Visit: 15 Years for Parents

    Find out what the well-child visit will involve when your son or daughter is 15.