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  • Bathing Your Baby for Parents

    Baths do more than keep your baby clean. They also give you a chance to bond. With a little planning and practice, both you and your baby will look forward to bath time.

  • Swaddling Your Baby for Parents

    Swaddling babies properly may help them relax and sleep. Learn the right way to swaddle infants and keep them safe.

  • Finger Foods for Babies for Parents

    When they're around 9 months old, babies can begin feeding themselves. Find out which foods are safe, healthy options and which should not be served to little ones.

  • Burping Your Baby for Parents

    Here's a quick guide to an important part of feeding a baby: burping.

  • Bonding With Your Baby for Parents

    Bonding, the intense attachment that develops between you and your baby, is completely natural. And it's probably one of the most pleasurable aspects of infant care.

  • Diapering Your Baby for Parents

    Babies may use up to 10 diapers a day! Get the basics on how to diaper like a pro.

  • Low Calcium in Babies (Hypocalcemia) for Parents

    Hypocalcemia is when the blood has too little calcium. It can be treated with calcium and vitamin D supplements.

  • Is My Baby Ready for Shoes? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Is Homemade Baby Formula Safe? for Parents

    Parents might want to make their own infant formula for many reasons. But commercially prepared formula is the best and safest choice. Here's why.

  • Bringing Your Baby Home for Parents

    Whether your baby comes home from the hospital right away, arrives later, or comes through an adoption agency, homecoming is a major event.