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You searched for: rohypnol
  • Drugs: What to Know for Teens

    It's not hard to find drugs, and sometimes it may seem like everyone's doing them or wanting you to do them. But there are downsides (and dangers) to taking drugs.

  • GHB for Teens

    GHB is an illegal drug that slows down some of the processes in the brain and central nervous system. Because it causes memory loss and is easily slipped into drinks, it's known as a "date rape" drug.

  • Sexual Violence and Rape: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Sexual violence is unwanted sexual behavior that is forced on someone. It can take many forms, including rape. Sexual violence and rape are never OK. Find out what to do and how to get help if you need it.

  • Drugs & Alcohol for Teens

    Smoking, drinking, and doing drugs can lead to problems at home, in school, and with your health. Learn more here.

  • Getting Help for Teens

    Where can people get help for an addiction problem? Find out here.

  • Drugs for Teens

    Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work, for good and bad. Find out more here.