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You searched for: transmit-diabetes
  • Should I Worry About Getting an STD? for Teens

    Even if someone has had only one sexual partner, there’s a chance of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Here's how to stay safe.

  • STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) for Teens

    You've probably heard lots of discouraging news about sexually transmitted diseases. The good news is that STDs can be prevented. Find out how to protect yourself.

  • How Can I Find Out if My Partner Has an STD? for Teens

    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) don’t always cause symptoms, so you can’t tell if your partner has one. That’s why you both should get tested for STDs.

  • Telling Your Partner You Have an STD for Teens

    If you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it’s best for your partner or any past partners to hear it from you. Here’s how to have the talk.

  • Do You Have to See a Doctor to Find Out if You Have an STD? for Teens

    Getting tested at a doctor’s office or health clinic is the best way to learn if you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). You can also get treatment and more.

  • Getting Tested for STDs for Teens

    If you and your partner plan to have sex, or if you’ve already had it, it’s important to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Here's what to expect.

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) for Teens

    Pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes called PID, is an infection of the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, or ovaries. Learn how to protect yourself.

  • Genital Herpes for Teens

    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). There's no cure for genital herpes, but medicines can help control it.

  • If Someone With Herpes Has No Sores, Can They Pass the Virus to Others? for Teens

    Even when no sores are present, the herpes virus is still active in the body and can spread to others.

  • Chlamydia for Teens

    Chlamydia is an STD that often has no symptoms, so lots of people can have it and not know it. Read this article to learn how to protect yourself.