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You searched for: smiling
  • All About Orthodontia for Teens

    Just getting braces and have no idea what to expect? Had braces for a while but wonder what's going on in there? Whatever your situation is, you're not alone: millions of teens have braces.

  • Diabetes (Topic Center) for Kids

    Diabetes means a problem with insulin, an important hormone in the body. Find out how children with diabetes can stay healthy and do the normal stuff kids like to do.

  • Diabetes (Topic Center) for Parents

    Does your child have type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Learn how to manage the disease and keep your child healthy.

  • What's an Orthodontist? for Kids

    An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in making teeth straight, instead of fixing cavities.

  • What Are Genes? for Kids

    Genes carry the information that determines the traits that are passed on to you from your parents.

  • What's Fluoride? for Kids

    This mineral can help your teeth stay strong and look super!

  • What Are Braces? for Kids

    If your teeth aren't straight, you can go to an orthodontist (a special kind of dentist) to get braces.

  • What Does Alignment Mean? for Kids

    Alignment means to bring into line.

  • What's a Retainer? for Kids

    Your teeth won't go far, but they can move after your braces are removed.

  • What Are Gums? for Kids

    Believe it or not, you always have gum in your mouth. No, not chewing gum!