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You searched for: coffee
  • Sleep and Your School-Aged Child for Parents

    School-age kids need 9–12 hours of sleep a night. If they don't get it, they may be cranky or moody, hyper, and have behavior problems.

  • Heart Palpitations for Parents

    Heart palpitations are rapid or irregular heartbeats that make it feel like the heart is racing or fluttering. They usually aren't a sign of a health problem, and most kids who have them won't need to limit their physical activity.

  • Why Are My Breasts Sore? for Teens

    Breast soreness is common as your body develops, but it's rarely serious. Find out why your breasts may hurt and what you can do about it.

  • 5 Ideas for Better Sleep for Teens

    Insomnia can be a big problem for teens. Read our tips on getting a good night's sleep.

  • Getting Rid of Old Medicines for Teens

    Medicines can cause problems if they get into the water supply or the wrong hands. Find out how to dispose of old or unused meds safely in this article for teens.

  • Sleep Study (Polysomnogram) for Parents

    A sleep study (or polysomnogram) helps doctors diagnose sleep problems. It is an overnight test that can record a variety of body functions while a child sleeps.

  • Preventing House Fires for Parents

    Take the time now to review fire safety facts and tips to prevent fires in your home.

  • Headaches for Kids

    Lots of kids have headaches from time to time. Find out more about headaches in this article for kids.

  • Legius Syndrome for Parents

    Legius syndrome is a rare genetic condition. Kids who have it have multiple café-au-lait spots on their skin and might be slower to walk, talk, and reach other milestones than most kids.

  • PET/MRI Scan for Parents

    A PET/MRI scan is an imaging test that combines PET and MRI in one session. It creates very detailed pictures of the inside of the body.