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You searched for: h1n1-guide
  • Visual Impairment for Teens

    When one or more parts of the eye or brain that are needed to process images become diseased or damaged, severe or total loss of vision can occur. Read all about visual impairment.

  • Blindness for Kids

    Kids who can't see, or can't see well, learn to live without using their eyes. To learn more about visual impairment and what causes it, read our article for kids.

  • Words to Know (Heart Glossary) for Parents

    A guide to medical terms about the heart and circulatory system. In an easy A-Z format, find definitions on heart defects, heart conditions, treatments, and more.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Your Eating and Drinking Habits for Parents

    Here are answers to some common questions about what breastfeeding moms should and shouldn't eat and drink.

  • Helicobacter pylori Infections for Parents

    H. pylori bacteria can cause digestive illnesses, including gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

  • Helicobacter pylori (para Padres) Para Padres

    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) es un tipo de bacteria. Estos gérmenes suelen ser las causas de las enfermedades digestivas.

  • Stool Test: H. Pylori Antigen for Parents

    Doctors may order an H. pylori antigen stool test if a child has symptoms of a peptic ulcer, such as indigestion, belly pain, a full or bloated feeling, nausea, frequent belching, or vomiting.

  • What's Cholesterol? for Kids

    Chances are, you've heard about cholesterol a lot lately, but you might be wondering what it is. Here's your chance to get the lowdown in our article just for kids.

  • Análisis de heces: Antígeno de H. pylori (para Padres) Para Padres

    Los médicos pueden solicitar una prueba de antígeno de H. pylori en heces si un niño tiene síntomas de una úlcera péptica, como indigestión, dolor abdominal, sensación de hinchazón, náuseas, eructos frecuentes o vómitos.

  • Peptic Ulcers for Parents

    Bacteria cause most peptic ulcers. Usually, they can be cured.