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You searched for: start-allowance
  • Electronic Health Records for Teens

    Because EHRs improve how well your doctors talk to each other and coordinate your treatment, they can enhance your medical care. Get the facts on electronic health records.

  • Safety Tips: Baseball for Parents

    Baseball is by no means a dangerous sport. But it can present a very real risk of injuries from things like wild pitches, batted balls, and collisions in the field. These safety tips can help keep your kids safe on the diamond.

  • Mouth and Teeth for Parents

    Our mouth and teeth play an important role in our daily lives. Here's a course on the basics - including common problems of the mouth and teeth.

  • When Your Child Outgrows Pediatric Care for Parents

    Help your teen or young adult make the transition from pediatric health care to adult health care. Get tips on finding a new doctor and getting health insurance.

  • Getting Along With Your Teachers for Teens

    Teachers can look out for you, guide you, and provide you with an adult perspective. Many are willing to answer questions, offer advice, and help with personal problems.

  • Starting a Farm-to-School Program for Parents

    Farm-to-school programs are a great way to get students excited about healthy eating. This article is for educators.

  • Interrupted Aortic Arch (IAA) for Parents

    An interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is a rare heart condition in which the aorta doesn’t form completely. Surgery must be done within the first few days of a baby’s life to close the gap in the aorta.

  • Online Safety for Teens

    Whether it's protecting yourself from hackers or cyberbullies, these tips for teens will help you navigate the digital world safely.

  • Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) for Parents

    Ventricular septal defect (VSD) — also known as a "hole in the heart" — is a congenital heart defect. Most VSDs are diagnosed and treated successfully.

  • Bike Safety for Kids

    Some simple rules can keep you safe on two wheels. Lean more about bike riding in this article for kids.