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You searched for: flu-tips
  • Safety Tips: Soccer for Teens

    Soccer is easy to learn at a young age, and it's great exercise. But it's also a contact sport, and injuries are bound to happen. To help prevent mishaps, follow these safety tips.

  • Safety Tips: Gymnastics for Teens

    Gymnastics is a great sport and a fun way to get a muscular, toned body. But, it also presents a very real risk of injury. To keep things safe during practice and competition, follow these tips.

  • Tips for Teachers From Students With Cystic Fibrosis (Video) for Parents

    Kids and teens explain what to expect and how to help in the classroom.

  • Homework Help (Topic Center) for Teens

    Writing a report? Studying for a test? Having problems at school? Get tips and advice.

  • Safety Tips: Baseball for Parents

    Baseball is by no means a dangerous sport. But it can present a very real risk of injuries from things like wild pitches, batted balls, and collisions in the field. These safety tips can help keep your kids safe on the diamond.

  • Dietary Tips for Kids With Cystic Fibrosis for Parents

    Kids with cystic fibrosis have some special nutritional needs. Here's how parents can help them.

  • Safety Tips: Fastpitch Softball for Teens

    Softball is a very safe sport, especially slow-pitch. But in fastpitch, things speed up, and that increases the chances of getting hurt. So keep these safety tips in mind.

  • Safety Tips: Skiing for Parents

    Skiing is fun but also has some very real dangers. Make sure your kids follow these safety tips to learn how to stay safe on the slopes.

  • Safety Tips: Sledding for Parents

    Sledding is a lot of fun, but can also cause injuries, some of them pretty serious. To keep your kids safe while sledding, make sure they follow these safety tips.

  • Safety Tips: Skiing for Teens

    There's a lot to love about skiing, but it can also present some very real dangers. Follow these tips to stay safe on the slopes.