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You searched for: alcoholism
  • Taking Care of Your Ears for Kids

    How do you take care of your ears? Find out in this article for kids.

  • My Friend Is Talking About Suicide. What Should I Do? for Teens

    Have you heard that people who talk about suicide won't go through with it? That's not true. Read this article to learn some of the other warning signs that a person is considering suicide.

  • What Is Prenatal Care Before Pregnancy? for Parents

    What should women who are planning a pregnancy do before they conceive? Find out here.

  • Premature Ventricular Contractions for Parents

    A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is an early heartbeat that happens between normal heartbeats. PVCs usually are harmless.

  • How Do I Find Out if a Guy I Had Sex With Has an STD? for Teens

    People with STDs often don’t have symptoms, so might not even know they're infected. So it’s very important to get tested.

  • PCP for Teens

    PCP use is pretty rare these days, mostly because of the drug's scary side effects. Find out more about the drug phencyclidine in this article for teens.

  • Staying Healthy During Pregnancy for Parents

    Now that you're pregnant, taking care of yourself has never been more important. Here's how to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.

  • What's Addiction? for Kids

    An addiction is an urge to do something that is hard to control or stop.

  • What You Need to Know About Drugs for Kids

    Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. Some drugs help you feel better, but drugs also can harm you. Learn more in this article for kids.

  • Talking to Kids About Gun Violence for Parents

    When gun violence is in the news, kids might worry that it could happen to them or someone they love. Here's how to talk to them about it.