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You searched for: hunger
  • Your Baby's Growth: 10 Months for Parents

    Your baby continues to grow quickly. All this activity and the foods your baby eats affect growth and weight.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 8 Months for Parents

    Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds, and may even be crawling or cruising. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 6 Months for Parents

    Babies this age are growing in many ways. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Sleep and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old for Parents

    At this age, babies generally have their days and nights straightened out. Many infants even "sleep through the night," which means 5 or 6 hours at a time.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 9 Months for Parents

    Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 7 Months for Parents

    Your baby continues to grow in many ways. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 12 Months for Parents

    Your baby is almost a toddler! Here's what to expect with your little one's growth and weight this month.

  • Sleep and Your Newborn for Parents

    Newborn babies don’t yet have a sense of day and night. They wake often to eat – no matter what time it is.

  • Feeding Your 1- to 2-Year-Old for Parents

    Toddlers have little tummies, so serve foods that are packed with the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong, and limit the sweets and empty calories.

  • Hypoglycemia and Diabetes for Parents

    When blood glucose levels drop too low, it's called hypoglycemia. Very low blood sugar levels can cause severe symptoms that require immediate treatment.