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From well-child visits to specialized treatment of complex illnesses and injuries, we offer comprehensive care from an exceptional team of doctors, nurses and allied professionals.


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You searched for: child-care
  • Well-Child Visit: 9 Years for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your child might be doing by the ninth year.

  • Limb Lengthening Surgery: External Fixator for Parents

    Limb lengthening surgery is done when someone has a leg length discrepancy (one leg is shorter than the other). Sometimes this is treated with an external fixator.

  • Toilet Training for Parents

    Even before your child is ready to try the potty, you can prepare your little one by teaching about the process. Here are some tips.

  • Limb Lengthening Surgery: Internal Lengthening Device for Parents

    Limb lengthening surgery is done when someone has a leg length discrepancy (one leg is shorter than the other). Sometimes this is treated with an internal lengthening device (a rod with a magnet).

  • Your Child's Weight for Parents

    "What's the right weight for my child?" is one of the most common questions parents have. It seems like a simple one, but it's not always easy to answer.

  • Separation Anxiety for Parents

    Teary and tantrum-filled goodbyes are common with separation anxiety, which is a perfectly normal part of childhood development.

  • When Your Child's in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for Parents

    It can be stressful whenever kids are in the hospital — and even more so when they're admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). A basic understanding of the PICU can help you feel better prepared to help your child recover.

  • Well-Child Visit: 2.5 Years (30 Months) for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your toddler might be doing at this age.

  • Temper Tantrums for Parents

    Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. Get the facts on managing - and preventing - temper tantrums.

  • Going to the Emergency Room for Parents

    Knowing what to expect when you need to take your child to the emergency room can help make it a little less stressful.