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You searched for: when-legs
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease for Parents

    Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease changes the hip joint and can cause a stiff joint, pain, and a limp.

  • Common Childhood Orthopedic Conditions for Parents

    Flatfeet, toe walking, pigeon toes, bowlegs, and knock-knees. Lots of kids have these common orthopedic conditions, but are they medical problems that can and should be corrected?

  • Taking Care of Your Body: Answers for Boys With Autism for Kids

    Learning how to take care of your body is part of growing up. Here's what to do to keep yourself clean and healthy.

  • Taking Care of Your Body: Answers for Boys With Autism for Teens

    When you're a teen, your body changes — this is part of growing up. You will have to learn new routines to keep yourself clean and healthy. Here's what to expect.

  • X-Ray Exam: Lower Leg (Tibia and Fibula) for Parents

    An X-ray of the tibia and fibula can help find the cause of pain, tenderness, swelling, or deformity of the lower leg. It can detect broken bones, and after a broken bone has been set, help see if it has healed well.

  • A to Z: Dislocation, Hip for Parents

    A dislocation is when the bones in a joint slip out of their normal position. A hip dislocation is an injury that occurs when the ball of the thighbone moves out of the socket of the hipbone.

  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) for Parents

    Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) happens when the autonomic nervous system — which controls things like heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing — doesn't work as it should.

  • Rickets for Parents

    Rickets is when bones become soft and weak, usually because a child doesn't get enough vitamin D. Most kids with rickets get better with treatment.

  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip for Parents

    Babies can be born with this hip problem or develop it soon after birth. Early treatment can help the hip joint grow normally.

  • Osteochondritis Dissecans for Parents

    Osteochondritis dissecans is when a piece of bone and the attached cartilage break down and become loose. If it heals completely, kids who have it usually don't have any long-lasting problems.