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From well-child visits to specialized treatment of complex illnesses and injuries, we offer comprehensive care from an exceptional team of doctors, nurses and allied professionals.


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  • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) in Kids and Teens for Parents

    When symptoms of heartburn or acid indigestion happen a lot, it could be gastroesophageal reflux (GER). And it can be a problem for kids.

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) in Babies for Parents

    When babies have reflux, they spit up. Often, this happens after a feeding. Some simple feeding changes can help most babies with reflux spit up less.

  • COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) for Parents

    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) causes inflammation throughout the body. Doctors are trying to find out how these symptoms are related to COVID-19 infection.

  • Medicines: Using Them Safely for Parents

    Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. Here's how you can help treat your child's illness while you prevent dangerous reactions.

  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • Is It OK for Kids to Sleep After a Possible Concussion? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • A to Z: Intestinal Malrotation for Parents

    Malrotation is twisting of the bowel that happens when a baby's intestines don't develop properly in the uterus. It can be a medical emergency.

  • Dengue Fever for Teens

    This infectious disease can cause high fevers, headaches, rashes, and pain throughout the body. Find out what to do about dengue fever - and how to avoid it.

  • Smoking and Asthma for Teens

    Find out why smoking is a bad idea - especially for people with asthma.

  • Dehydration for Parents

    Sometimes kids lose fluids and salts through fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating. Here are some tips on preventing or treating dehydration.