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You searched for: washing-hands
  • Hand Washing: Why It's So Important for Teens

    Did you know that the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands? If you don't wash your hands frequently, you can pick up germs from other sources and then infect yourself.

  • Hand Washing: Why It's So Important for Parents

    Washing your hands well and often is the best way to keep from getting sick. Here's how to teach this all-important habit to your kids.

  • Why Do I Need to Wash My Hands? for Kids

    Washing your hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading. Learn all about the best way to wash your hands in this article for kids.

  • The Flu: Stop the Spread for Kids

    Follow these tips to help prevent the spread of the flu.

  • Fighting Germs for Parents

    Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa can cause disease. Here's how to help protect your family from germs.

  • Fighting Germs for Teens

    Germs are tiny organisms that can cause disease, and they're so small that they can creep into your system without you noticing. Find out how to protect yourself.

  • Salmonellosis for Kids

    Salmonellosis is an illness caused by a bacteria found in raw food, soil, water and the bowel movements of some animals, including reptiles. Find out how to prevent this illness.

  • Food Safety for Parents

    Food safety is important. Here's how to be sure your kitchen and the foods you prepare in it are safe.

  • Giardiasis for Parents

    Giardiasis, a top cause of diarrhea, is an intestinal illness caused by a tiny parasite. Infections pass easily from person to person.

  • Salmonella Infections for Parents

    Salmonella infections can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, belly cramps, fever, and headache.