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You searched for: skin-hair-it
  • 10 Things That Might Surprise You About Being Pregnant for Parents

    Here are 10 common surprises that can come with pregnancy.

  • A to Z: Ringworm (Dermatophytosis) for Parents

    Ringworm, or dermatophytosis, is a highly contagious infection of the skin, hair or nails caused by a type of fungus called a dermatophyte.

  • A to Z: Molluscum Contagiosum for Parents

    Molluscum contagiosum is a common wart-like viral skin infection that goes away on its own over time.

  • Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling) for Teens

    Trichotillomania is a condition that gives people strong urges to pull out their hair. What causes it and how do people overcome it? Find out in this article for teens.

  • A to Z: Tinea Corporis (Ringworm) for Parents

    Tinea corporis (ringworm) is a common skin infection that usually gets better with treatment.

  • Wound Healing and Care for Parents

    How well a wound heals depends on where it is on the body and what caused it. Good home care is an important part of healing.

  • Wound Healing and Care for Teens

    How well a wound heals depends on where it is on the body and what caused it – as well as how well someone cares for the wound at home. Find out what to do in this article for teens.

  • A to Z: Scabies for Parents

    Learn about parasitic infections and skin disorders.

  • RASopathies for Parents

    RASopathies are a group of genetic conditions caused by problems in the RAS pathway, which is one way cells in the body communicate.

  • A to Z: Vitiligo for Parents

    Vitiligo is a loss of skin pigment that causes white spots or patches to appear on the skin.