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You searched for: hiv-oral
  • Sex During Pregnancy for Parents

    Like many parents-to-be, you might have questions about the safety of sex and what's "normal." That can vary widely, but you can be sure that your sex life will change during pregnancy.

  • Talking to Your Partner About STDs for Teens

    You know you should talk about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) before the action starts. But what if the thought of having "the talk" makes you nervous? These tips can help.

  • Gonorrhea for Teens

    The STD gonorrhea can be very dangerous if it's not treated, even in someone who has mild or no symptoms. For information about how to protect yourself, read this article.

  • Syphilis for Teens

    Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Early treatment can cure it and prevent long-term problems.

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) for Teens

    Pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes called PID, is an infection of the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, or ovaries. Learn how to protect yourself.

  • Hepatitis B for Teens

    Hepatitis B can move from one person to another through blood and other body fluids. For this reason, people usually get it through unprotected sex or by sharing needles.

  • Pubic Lice (Crabs) for Teens

    Pubic lice, or "crabs," are tiny insects that usually spread through sex.

  • Syphilis for Parents

    Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Early treatment can cure it and prevent long-term problems.

  • Hepatitis C for Parents

    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) spreads through blood or other body fluids, and can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. The most common way people become infected is by sharing drug paraphernalia.

  • Telling Your Partner You Have an STD for Teens

    If you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it’s best for your partner or any past partners to hear it from you. Here’s how to have the talk.