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You searched for: er-asthma
  • When to Go to the ER if Your Child Has Asthma for Parents

    If your child has asthma, find out when you need to go to the ER.

  • Going to the Emergency Room for Parents

    Knowing what to expect when you need to take your child to the emergency room can help make it a little less stressful.

  • What's the ER? for Kids

    Short for emergency room, this is the part of the hospital where kids and adults go if they suddenly have a big health problem or accident.

  • Emergency Care & First Aid (Topic Center) for Parents

    Here's your one-stop information center for everything you need to know about handling emergencies and keeping kids safe.

  • When and Where to Get Medical Care for Parents

    Should you head to the ER when your child is hurt or ill? What about an urgent care center? Different problems need different levels of care, and you have many options.

  • Health Care Careers (Video) for Teens

    These videos help high school students get an idea of what's involved in some health and medical careers.

  • What if Kids Don't Take Their Asthma Medicine? for Parents

    One of the best ways to help kids manage asthma, besides avoiding triggers, is to make sure they take their medicine as prescribed.

  • Can Kids and Teens With Asthma Play Sports? for Parents

    Kids and teens who have asthma can and do play sports. But some activities are better than others. Find out more.

  • Button Battery Safety for Parents

    These small, shiny batteries are easy for babies and toddlers to swallow. Learn how to prevent injuries and know what to do if you think your child has swallowed one.

  • Managing Asthma for Parents

    Asthma control can take a little time and energy to master, but it's worth the effort. Learn more about ways to manage your child's asthma.